Exhibition from June 3 to 21, 2024
Artbribus art gallery,
68, rue Brillat-Savarin, 75013 Paris.
Tel.: 06 16 40 44 00 - artbribus@orange.fr

“With uncompromising, attentive passion, Aksouh persists in bringing to the surface the portrait of a love, the most tenuous colors of the soul, in landscapes of meticulous accuracy. What marvelous realism!
Here, the world appears as a marine, as a celestial universe, and provokes our hearts with slowly immersing patches. These watercolors quiver with seaweed, sand and the fleshy bow of wrasses. They fix the continuous movement of the clouds, harassing cosmic splendors, tender and banal as a hand.
Of Algeria, our native land, the committed artist Aksouh is one of those who have retained only the essential. And that’s why, opening my balcony onto the sea, onto the night, I see Aksouh’s Sea, his Night condensed into a pupil.”

Jean Sénac, Alger, 1965.

Read also (in French):

AKSOUH : UNE ÂME VISUELLE SOUS LA LUMIÈRE L’évidence d’un art exceptionnel transparaît à travers la pudeur illuminée de chacun de ses tableaux qui dit l’Algérie. Par Kaddour M’Hamsadji, L’Expression, le 16 mars 2005

ESCALE AU PAYS DE LA LUMIÈRE, LA PEINTURE D’AKSOUH par Michel-Georges Bernard Founoune, 19 septembre 2023, actualités, arts visuels